Barry talks to attendees and some of the key people behind the scenes about putting together EHF 2022 and what they thought of the result.
Fair warning, this is the first time ever that Barry has put together a multi-person interview/montage and also first time using a complex media editor (in this case Davinci Resolve). Its not perfect, but certainly gives us something to build on for the next time.
Barry talks to attendees and some of the key people behind the scenes about putting together EHF 2022 and what they thought of the result.
Fair warning, this is the first time ever that Barry has put together a multi-person interview/montage and also first time using a complex media editor (in this case Davinci Resolve). Its not perfect, but certainly gives us something to build on for the next time.
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© 2022 K Sharp Ltd
An accident investigator with a background in Transport. I started working in HF 20 years ago, as an apprentice engineer, although I didn't know it at the time! I then went on to complete a BSc, and a PhD in Human Factors. Since then I have worked in industry, and academia, before finding myself at RAIB, which is a glorious mix of the two.
I'm a PhD researcher at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow focusing on Human factors and hospital AI. I'm very interested in how AI can be integrated into hospital systems, and be designed for the stakeholders. I am also just getting started as co-chair of the CIEHF AI and digital health special interest group, alongside Mark Sujan, which I can't wait to get stuck into!
I am a second year PhD Student at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. The focus of my PhD is the application of Human Factors to the use of real-time remote consultation technologies in primary care settings. After completing a systematic literature review in this area, I am about to begin a series of interviews exploring the variables influencing use of video consultations by pharmacists and pharmacy patients, using the SEIPS 2.0 model.
I'm a Loughborough ergonomics graduate and have 15 years' consultancy experience across a range of sectors. I'm now helping to grow and strengthen the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors into a world-class organisation that the profession can call home.
HF Engineer
Human Factors and UX specialist with a focus on transportation systems, with experience in applying human factors (the science) and human-centered design practices (the engineering) into multidisciplinary environments to deliver safe, usable, and engaging solutions (the value) considering the human performance and limitations.
Junior Researcher at K Sharp