March 6, 2022
10,000 Audio Downloads

This is an amazing milestone to hit. According to our Audio host, Bluberry, there have been over 10,000 downloads of 1202 podcast episodes. And this is just Audio, it doesn't include the episodes published on the YouTube channel either.
Was is also brilliant is that the vast majority of people listen for more than 87% of each episode which apparently is a very high number when compared to all podcasts.
Thank you all for your support.
Thats a wrap - Stats to date - Dec 2021
Hopefully you will have been listening to the last podcast of 2021 where Barry and Jo Polson have been reviewing their top 5 podcasts. In that episode Barry highlights some of the statistics including top downloads, locations etc. To acc…
Categories and competencies
Having had a lot of categories and no real way of controlling them, I have been pondering about what would be a more sensible approach, what would be useful for anyone to dive into?
Given we have an obligation to keep abreast of our own CPD (Contin…