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Rob Hutton

Rob Hutton Profile Photo


Rob Hutton, B.A. (Hons), M.S., FCIEHF C.ErgHF AFHEA MBPsS

Rob Hutton is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, European Association of Cognitive Ergonomists, and British Psychological Society (Defence & Security Section; Academics, Teachers & Researchers).

He received his education in psychology (University College of Swansea) and human factors and industrial/organisational psychology (Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio).

He has worked in the private sector doing applied research and consultancy for the last 25+ years in the US and the UK. His work has focused primarily on supporting cognitive work in a systems engineering context within the defence and security sectors, but also includes emergency incident management, air traffic control, weather forecasting. and healthcare).

Applications of his work include identifying and modelling decision requirements in complex systems, including an exploration of computational decision modelling in military planning and driver-based transportation context. He has also been involved in exploring the operational decision requirements for advanced/intelligent traffic management systems. He has a deep knowledge of the cognitive systems engineering view of resilience and adaptive performance in safety-critical complex work environments.

He has been involved recently with the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) contributing a cognitive perspective on emergency department decision making in two examples of hard-to-diagnose emergency medical conditions.

He has also been involved in the development of human-system design processes with respect to providing design guidance to systems engineers, supporting a decision-centred approach to human-systems integration.

April 10, 2023

Naturalistic Decision Making - An interview with Rob Hutton

Rob Hutton gives us an insight into Naturalistic Decision Making and how it takes methods out of the Lab.

Listen to the Episode