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A good interview podcast for HF professionals
I absolutely love listening to Barry's podcast! He is such a great host and has a talent for finding a diverse range of guests from the Human Factors field to chat with. I discovered this podcast through the Human Factors Cast and I am so glad I did. The interviews on this podcast are always informative and engaging.
What’s not to like :-)
Great content with a wide variety of topics
Great listen before a day of operating
Still learning so much and as always Peter Brennan’s enthusiasm and candid approach to how we can make operating theatres and health care team minimise errors and work better by ensuring people stay hydrated, have a break and feel they can speak up if have concerns.
Barry is an amazing personality who truly takes the time to develop and ask meaningful questions to his guests on the show. Topics are varied, and are always interesting. Would highly recommend anyone who is interested in Human Factors Psychology to check out this show!
If you get a chance, listen to the Fatigue Risk Management episode. One of his best.
Well worth a listen!
Superbly produced and highly informative podcast, keep up the good work Barry.